Thursday, December 25, 2008

the mathematical implications

In my emerging cosmology, energy is the fourth dimension, not time.


time in virtual worlds

Godel's extension of Einstein's work shows us that time does not really exist. It is imaginary. There is no time - only space and energy.

Just as the past is not an additional "dimension" into which we could ever travel, because the past exists only in our heads and the heads of many other organisms as well; the future is imaginary too. There is only the distribution of energy through space right now.

This only is the only of science, logic, and some aspects of the "creative" art of philosophy. Time surely exists because we bring it into being; we the participants in shared sensory experiences; communication.

This is the role of virtual worlds as well.

I hereby redefine a virtual world as a shared space-energy, no longer a shared spacetime. The time part will emerge as a direct result of the messages sent to the bubble server; I used to think croquet's teatime did this but then I read something that made me think it doesn't; rather, it enforces an arbitrary definition of time; a synchronized clock. We will not synchronize a clock; we will make time a function of messages arriving. Messages are packets of energy in space, and they appear to move, to us.


ps - Beth Coleman's analogy of a chess game applies quite well to virtual worlds and will be the subject of my next post hopefully

Monday, December 22, 2008

new focus on biotech

Green Phosphor has joined a small business incubator, run by FAMU and the SBA. This has allowed us to move into fantastic office space in Innovation Park. When I look out my window I see two buildings: the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and the Northwest Regional Data Center.

I'm very close to finalizing Green Phosphor's business plan. We're focusing on the biotech industry, and will be using our patent-pending 3D user interface technology to create an appliance for model based drug development. I can't wait to see genes, codons, hormones, proteins, and their interactions - all in 3D within the virtual world. Here's a video we just made, introducing the technology.

Ed has been working very hard on the first public beta of our Glasshouse gateway. It's a Java application which can be launched from our website and used to connect to your own databases, allowing you and other users to see the data you publish in 3D in our public Sun Wonderland sandbox, Second Life, or your own Wonderland instance! We'll have it live within a couple weeks!

I'm very excited about the new year!

currently reading: Mona Lisa Overdrive by William Gibson
