Saturday, November 10, 2007

provider cancelled

Cancellation is a time of renewal. For example, why am I paying $300 per month for a second life island? How much electricity does that machine (sim) use?

lg3d is the way to go

we're going to contribute peer-to-peer to it (it being the gpl lg3d-wonderland project), and provide our patent-pending data visualization technology within the platform.

it will be a new web. a 3d web.

think of it: avatar data-wads, cryptographically signed, being teleported form machine to machine, virtual space to virtual space (and virtual space and machine not the same)

we have a personal space; there is a sphere which we can perceive. there is yet another sphere, inside it on one side and outside it on the other, of things which we can influence... touch.

these spheres of perception and influence are our beings within the dimensions we inhabit.

May they be temples of the Spirit.

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