Friday, April 24, 2009

fun in the sandbox

I love working in Second Life sandboxen. Anything can happen; last week I was coding for eight hours straight and someone came in and shot me with some kind of weapon, probably just testing it... my avatar was propelled up in the air with all kinds of colored balls flying around me. When I landed my pulse was going crazy and I rezzed out one of my blue spheres to harass the person. Here's a quick excerpt from a chat I had just today, about another incident:

hotshotscott7: back
me: you missed some fun
Ed and I were in world and some dude came over spewing out black swastikas
hotshotscott7: lol wtf
me: so I rezzed out a blue ball that stuck to his crotch
then he got some chick to teleport in who was fiddling around with some kind of weapon but she never got it to work right

This is the real and surreal life in the metaverse. Love it I have to say.


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