Sunday, July 31, 2011

three layers

I was very serious about painting for some years. The first fifteen or so paintings I produced in my first studio in railroad square back when I was twenty-one all focused on a 3d object which consisted of a pyramid with a cube stacked on it, with a sphere stacked on that. The relationship of this object to its surroundings - earth, sky, and space (and light) basically, is what I was exploring.

The pyramid was the body, the cube the mind, and the sphere the spirit.

Now I have become interested in a new isomorphic analogy. Rather than describing the individual, however, it attempts to describe the world. It is the jungle, the system, and the path.

The jungle is nature. No matter how we romanticize nature, it is a ruthless place where survival of the fittest rules.

The system is our civilization. Government, power lines, the internet, the media... things of the mind, of money, of technology. Rastafari have it correct, it is Babylon System.

The path is a narrow way through these other layers, which is discovered by the spirit.

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