Friday, July 22, 2011

tres honorabili

Arkowitz took the final step up onto the ridge, anticipating the view. He had not been able to see much except the jungle he was moving through, zigzagging within the crevice of a stream channel.

The trunks of the larger trees which could only grow that big because of the water and shelter provided... were the only footing in many places. The dappled light hinted at the force of the full sun above.

Looking back over the valley Arkowitz could see the network of roads, powerwires, trains, and lesserknown layers of the system. Nature was eventually incorporated as yet another layer distributed throughout the substrate (aether).

The other side of the ridge sloped more gently down, but the pockets of nature far out on the plane were linked more strongly by green corridors, devoid of the tech of the other layers, and obscuring the movement of the walkers within them. Leading down into this level by level was a path over exposed rock, fed by smaller paths coming down from the ledges and domes of the spine. The wolf loped along one of the domes, to the last comfortable point on the curve of precipice. An ancient pine was clinging there. He lifted his snout into the air, balmy breezes carrying scents of fires, smog, and juniper, and the denizens of the jungle and the system.

Arkowitz found a boulder with a decent angle for his back. Good place for a smoke.

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