Wednesday, May 9, 2018

pivot to crypto

Deep Node has pivoted to crypto trading tools. Check out streamscope! I've been working on algorithmic trading for crypto currencies and will be embedding live signals into streamscope when it's ready.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My father, Mark Lindquist, has made a great movie about the Timewell. Somehow his interviewing techniques brought out the deepest thoughts I have about it.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Architecture Redux

Perhaps architecture is simply the attainment of leverage over time. Developers become most productive when they have lain a foundation that allows them to hook into things already built. As an artist would have - a library of techniques, objects, building blocks... tinker toys. These devices can comprise a foundation... because they operate within consistent constraints. They (the devices) capture principles which are the only things we can rely on to guide us as we attempt to gain leverage into the future. Arkowitz

Saturday, February 13, 2016

So Norse is pretty much dead. The question in my mind is... why was this pretty picture up on a screen in SOC after SOC around the world? It wasn't a practical or actionable visualization. Hey, anyone out there with a blank screen now... hit us up, we'll put a real picture of the live activity of your own network on it.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The team at Deep Node has created a fun Random Product Name Generator. Please enjoy!

Giant IT corporations, along with an increasing number of VC-backed companies who spend all their money on marketing using the same confusing salad of words, are ensuring that the market for cyber security products is a gigantic mess of FUD and bogus promises of protection via product. Buy this thing, it will protect you.

It's BS.

Deep Node fights for the users. Our users are the real protection, as they slog their way through the mountains of alerts generated by the detection products, attempting to construct the narratives of who is doing what - who is hacking whom, and when, and how.