Friday, January 16, 2009

intelligence is green

There is a lot of emphasis on being green these days. There is a growing consensus that we are going to destroy the world with our wasteful, polluting ways. We are not.

The carbon dioxide we are adding to the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels... we get it out of the ground. How did it get into the ground in the first place? Where was it before organisms decomposed and became oil? Didn't the abundance of life on the earth millions of years ago lead directly to the depositing of oil and other fossil fuels into the ground? From the air, to the ground. From the ground, to the air.

If we are not destroying the world, then why is our wasteful way of life so intuitively bad? I believe it is bad because we make everything ugly. Because we create conditions which bring about our own misery.


Intelligence is the ultimate way to be green. All technologies for energy production are problematic; it is the intelligent application of mixtures of them - and, even more, the intelligent use of the energy itself - which leads to harmony.

Green is beauty.
