Tuesday, November 13, 2007

real actual work

What are you doing in virtual worlds?

- socializing?
- training?
- virtual meetings?
- marketing/branding?

These are all great activities for virtual worlds, but they are not enough. What I want to see is real actual work being done. Work that is at the core of a user's daily mission.

Collaborative problem solving.

Group decision making.

A virtual world can be a virtual warroom.

I don't know about you, but I've seen great things come from warrooms; there's no better way to get a group to focus and act in concert than by throwing them all into one big room with laptops and whiteboards and keeping them there until a project is off the ground, a prototype is developed, or a solution is found.

Now you can do the same thing with people who are scattered around the globe. Save one plane ticket and you've paid for the technology.

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