Thursday, November 19, 2009

correlation between swine flu news and reported flu cases

I put together a video showing Google flu trends data in Glasshouse; really interesting data. Check out the anomalous bump that I found.

Perhaps the explanation for the jump in reported flu cases in the northern hemisphere during the week of April 26th, 2009 was due to the WHO issuing their first Disease Outbreak Notice regarding swine flu, on April 24th...

wikipedia timeline

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

NFL Stats and Fantasy Points in 3D


Green Phosphor now has the entire history of the NFL available for 3D graphing - and updated every week. Our fantasy football tool, which anyone can run inside our public Wonderland sandbox by going to the tools menu, lets you create a 3D graph of any combination of stats or fantasy points, for any position, year, or week. You can also define the way points are allocated for your league.

Ed has been hard at work on this for some time now and we are really proud of it! If you are playing fantasy football, please try out 3D visualization to get an edge! You will see patterns and trends like never before.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

MORE dimensionality

Often the solution to a prediction problem (model the supposed underlying phenomena using variables and relationships) requires a model with more dimensionality.

We have created a flatland where people are constantly trying to reduce dimensionality to that which is easily comprehensible, thereby missing the opportunity to develop models which SOLVE THE PROBLEM.

I posit that merely observing the data you have collected regarding some phenomena, using more dimensional visualization (while still comprehensible)... can only help in the above process.

This is what Glasshouse is about.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Article on, and Wizards'Guild

new article about Green Phosphor on MaxPing

The above article shows off Glasshouse Excel integration and realtime graphs in Second Life, and goes on to talk about the secure, subscription service we will be releasing - along with pricing.

The article also talks about the guild we want to help create... the Wizards'Guild. Check it out! I also started a discussion about the guild at the Thinkbalm Innovation Community, and in MaxPing's forums.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

See an Excel sheet in SL with Glasshouse

Once you run Glasshouse and load an Excel file, it's easy to make changes and pull those changes into the graph you create in Second Life. We added a refresh menu option to the green cube.

Monday, June 22, 2009

live graph quick demo

This video really doesn't do the live graph justice; you should really see it in-world. But here it is anyway. :)


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

new hq in sl; time-series; OLIVE; python MXP!!!

Green Phosphor has a new headquarters in Second Life, next door to Popcha! and Brooklyn is Watching. Here's a SLurl:

Our buildings were designed and constructed by architect Werner Kurosawa.


Ed has implemented time series animation in Glasshouse and in the Wonderland CICP adapter. In our Wonderland sandbox you can look at a graph of quarterback stats changing over time. It's killer. We're now applying this new capability to visualization of the stock market.


The integration of Glasshouse with Forterra's OLIVE virtual world platform is going swimmingly. I visited their offices last week to see how things were going and I'm psyched. OLIVE is a fantastic platform.


I am super excited about the latest MXP developments ( Dan Miller is involved, and working with everyone on a python implementation of an MXP viewer! This is what MXP is all about: enabling multiple platforms to interoperate. Python, c#, Java, c++... heck SmallTalk even... we should all be able to play together nicely.


That's all for now...


Friday, April 24, 2009

fun in the sandbox

I love working in Second Life sandboxen. Anything can happen; last week I was coding for eight hours straight and someone came in and shot me with some kind of weapon, probably just testing it... my avatar was propelled up in the air with all kinds of colored balls flying around me. When I landed my pulse was going crazy and I rezzed out one of my blue spheres to harass the person. Here's a quick excerpt from a chat I had just today, about another incident:

hotshotscott7: back
me: you missed some fun
Ed and I were in world and some dude came over spewing out black swastikas
hotshotscott7: lol wtf
me: so I rezzed out a blue ball that stuck to his crotch
then he got some chick to teleport in who was fiddling around with some kind of weapon but she never got it to work right

This is the real and surreal life in the metaverse. Love it I have to say.


Monday, March 16, 2009


Dr. David Resuehr has joined Green Phosphor as our Chief Scientist. We've also reworked our website to properly reflect our emphasis on biotech.

Cybertechnews has another article by yours truly - with a very interesting quote from Dr. David as well.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Think INSIDE the Box and Out of the Screen

I was sitting in my office just now chatting with a dev who used to work for me at Right Media and who now is helping with the implementation of CICP in OpenSim. He was asking why there aren't a slew of data visualization apps in virtual worlds; the idea seems so obvious.

I venture that rather than a case of people needing to think "outside the box" it's a case of people needing to get out of the plane and into the box.


Monday, February 16, 2009

CICP is Public Domain

I've published the CICP provisional patent app on cybertechnews.

I also have someone working on implementing CICP in OpenSim. Not only will this allow OpenSim developers to experiment with CICP, it will give Green Phosphor's data visualization product, Glasshouse, another virtual world platform to deploy with!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Glasshouse now turns Excel files into graphs

It's now really easy to make a 3d graph within a virtual world. Just put the data you want graphed into an excel worksheet (the old .xls format), load up Glasshouse, pull in the worksheet, and off you go.

Try it out here:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

MXP Article

I've got an MXP article on

Back to that chess match Beth Coleman brought up:

Suppose that Yuri and 3Jane are sitting in a drawing room playing at chess. Between them is a checkered board with pieces on it; the black pieces belong to Yuri, suppose, and the white to 3Jane.

There are some great parallels with a virtual world here:

1) the chess board, like the virtual world, is not a continuum; it is broken up into a discrete coordinate system

2) Yuri and 3Jane are participants in a consensual experience.

3) the chess pieces are objects, and each is owned by a particular participant

4) the rules of chess, the strategies, etc. are IN THE MINDS of the participants; not in the chess board itself


Friday, January 16, 2009

intelligence is green

There is a lot of emphasis on being green these days. There is a growing consensus that we are going to destroy the world with our wasteful, polluting ways. We are not.

The carbon dioxide we are adding to the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels... we get it out of the ground. How did it get into the ground in the first place? Where was it before organisms decomposed and became oil? Didn't the abundance of life on the earth millions of years ago lead directly to the depositing of oil and other fossil fuels into the ground? From the air, to the ground. From the ground, to the air.

If we are not destroying the world, then why is our wasteful way of life so intuitively bad? I believe it is bad because we make everything ugly. Because we create conditions which bring about our own misery.


Intelligence is the ultimate way to be green. All technologies for energy production are problematic; it is the intelligent application of mixtures of them - and, even more, the intelligent use of the energy itself - which leads to harmony.

Green is beauty.
