Saturday, June 21, 2008

Partnership Business Model

We're in the process of solidifying our business model. It's quite simple:

License Glasshouse, our data exploration gateway integrating virtual worlds and databases, to customers globally via partnerships with professional services companies, industry-specific solution providers, virtual world providers, and business intelligence providers.

Glasshouse is an enabling and integrating technology. Business intelligence projects benefit from being able to expose what they are doing into virtual worlds; virtual worlds projects benefit by being able to present and explore data within the virtual meeting place, in 3d. Professional services companies can build projects around Glasshouse that provide new value to their existing customers.

Green Phosphor LLC is and will remain a very lean company. We will continue to build our core technical team here in Tallahassee, as we add features and capabilities to our gateway and tools software; and we will build a layer around the core development team which is focused on supporting our partners' efforts and channeling feedback and requirements to the development team. That's it. No sales; no professional services in the field.


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